
How To Make A Discord Bot That Plays Music

Discord is an incredibly popular communication app among gamers worldwide. With endless possibilities for customization and personalization; Discord is even meliorate with bots. From assigning roles to adding music, there is a Discord bot for just about every job yous'd like to perform.

How To Add a Music Bot to Discord

Music bots for Discord increase sound quality while decreasing the endeavor yous have to put into playing your favorite boxing songs. You could always play music on your ain machine, but half the fun of existence on Discord is sharing the voice channel with your friends and guildmates. You could play music through your mic, merely it will sound awful to your friends in the chat.

A bot is an add together-on that runs on your server and provides extra features like music, chat, jokes, quotes, or other lighthearted interactions.

Bots are typically created in Java, Python, or C++ and integrated into Discord, where other users tin can collaborate with them via commands in the conversation. When the bot receives a command, information technology executes a given task, like playing a song, showing a meme, creating a scoreboard of the players in the game, or whatever else it's been programmed to do.

If you don't accept programming experience don't worry, Discord Bots are pretty simple to add together and maintain. There are several bot providers bachelor on the web, all you demand to know is which i you lot'd similar to use.

In this commodity, I'll walk you through the process of calculation a music bot to your Discord server.

Add a Music Bot in Discord

I'll be showing you lot how to add a music bot, but the aforementioned basic instructions apply to any blazon of bot you lot'd like to add – and there are thousands of them. Adding a bot is a straightforward task. You will need to have the Manage Server permission turned on for your account, so either you will demand to be the bodily server administrator, or one of the server's most trusted users, in order to add a bot.

The outset stride is finding a bot that you'd like to experiment with. At that place are bot repository sites that have hundreds or thousands of bots listed, along with descriptions and reviews from other users.

Two popular bot repositories are Discord Bot List and Carbonitex but y'all can detect others as well. At the end of this commodity, I'll besides review some well-known music bots. For purposes of this guide, I'm going to walk y'all through adding the "Groovy" bot. The exact screens you see in calculation a different bot may vary slightly, but the bones steps are the same.

  1. Log on to the server where you have permissions.
  2. Visit the bot's website, in this case at Groovy.
  3. Select "Add to Discord". Other bots may give you lot the option to "Invite" rather than "Add together to Discord." They're both essentially the aforementioned matter.
  4. Select "Authorize".
  5. Fill in the captcha to demonstrate that you aren't a robot so that yous tin install your robot.

That'southward it! You'll want to read upwards on the things yous can do with your new robotic friend. The bones command for Groovy is "-play" – visit a voice aqueduct, and type "-play [song proper name]" and Great volition starting time playing it. It'due south that easy!

Don't judge me.

(Y'all can type "-stop" to hush Groovy up.)

That is all there is to calculation a music bot to Discord. About of the work is washed for you behind the scenes; it'due south just a matter of linking your server and giving out the appropriate permissions.

Some expert music bots for Discord

In that location are quite a number of skilful music bots for Discord, created past members of the Discord community. Some are better than others, merely all volition become the task done – you probably don't need to overstress on picking the perfect bot. Hither are three solid ones to look at.


Groovy is a very neat Discord music bot that can play music hosted on well-nigh whatsoever website, including YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud, and a few others. The bot works incredibly well and I take used information technology on a couple of servers I use. The quality is excellent and the playback is of very high quality.


Rhythm is a music bot for Discord. Reviews are very mixed on evolution and the developers themselves simply the actual bot is pretty good, and that's the important office. The audio playback is expert quality, it is stable and reliable, and information technology works well. Equally a free bot, there is little to complain about here.


Fredboat is another highly rated music bot that plays skilful quality music across your chat server. It is reliable, offers decent sound quality, and works well. It isn't quite every bit easy to employ initially equally Groovy merely once you effigy out how to get information technology working, it will provide a soundtrack to your gaming without whatever problems.


Octave is a music bot that fits perfectly with Discord servers. Aside from adding music, Octave allows you to assign roles, add memes, link to Twitch, and more. With bully sound quality and a simple interface, Octave is another Discord bot worth looking into.

Link Discord with Spotify

An alternative to adding a bot to your Discord server is by linking the awarding with Spotify. A unproblematic chore, this allows you lot to stream the music of your option with your friends and connections.

To set up Spotify and Discord follow these instructions:

  1. Open up the Discord desktop awarding and log in.
  2. Click on the Settings icon located at the lesser left-paw corner of your screen.
  3. Click 'Connections.'
  4. Click on the Spotify symbol (you'll notice there are several other applications available to connect besides.
  5. A window will pop-upward; scroll down and click 'Concord.'
  6. Log in to Spotify if you haven't already washed so.

Once this action is completed; you lot can stream your Spotify music within the Discord app. Adding bots is a elementary way to customize your Discord application and they offer more customization options than linking your Spotify account. For those looking for an alternative to installing bots on their Discord server, the Spotify/Discord relationship makes it even more simple.

Oftentimes Asked Questions

We've got some more answers to your nearly oft asked questions here!

How do I remove a bot from Discord?

Removing a bot from Discord is elementary. If you decide you no longer wish to use one that yous have simply kick the bot from your server (don't worry, you can always add it back later). u003cbru003eu003cbru003eTo kick someone or something (a bot) from your server head over to the messages and correct-click on the Bots' name. Click the option to u0022Kick {bot name}u0022 and confirm. The Bot will exit the server.

Can I link Pandora to Discord?

At this time there isn't an option to link Pandora to Discord unfortunately. Although you may find a bot to assist, we have yet to discover one that volition assist in this situation.

How To Make A Discord Bot That Plays Music,


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